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Welcome to Present Mind Institute of Hawaii

Our Mission:

Present Mind Institute of Hawaii improves the lives of people through effective evidence-based, mindful and integrative interventions, delivered within a relationship built on presence, compassion, and trust.

The clinicians at Present Mind Institute of Hawaii care about your health and wellbeing. PMIH is offering telepsychology and in-person services to meet current client and community needs. Your mental, physical, social, and financial health are important to us. We will be posting information that may be helpful for you during this time when physical distancing may be preferred.

Please feel free to explore the options below and take part in those activities that you believe may be helpful to you.

Feel free to contact our office at the phone number below for more information or to make an appointment.

PMIH Loves Nature!

Nature is not a luxury; it is essential to our humanity. We are interdependent. We take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Trees and other plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We take part in each other’s development and sometimes, we notice. On April 16th, Present Mind Institute of Hawaii spent a few hours nurturing the environment and giving back to a small part of our island. As we walked through the grass and sands of Waimanalo Beach Park, we shared in the joy of a “Beach Clean Up” activity. The event was symbolic. What do you do when you love and respect another? You give back, you appreciate, you care and spend time with them.


I looked around and saw my colleagues laughing and conversing as they picked up what others had absentmindedly dropped, thrown, left behind, or forgotten on the ground. I couldn’t help but try to make meaning of the ‘opala. I thought about the past, “Hmmm, there must have been some kind of sport played here. Look at all the plastic bottle caps scattered around.” Sometimes, I had thoughts about the future too, “Yikes! This crushed Heineken bottle might injure a barefooted child running towards the beach! I better be sure to pick up all the tiny shards.”

When we were done, we enjoyed some fruit and water (both gifts from nature herself), and talked about our lives, our connection. It was a fabulous day!

Picking up litter and caring for nature is a wonderful way to express appreciation for this healthful relationship.

Lianne Philhower, PsyD
Present Mind Institute of Hawaii


If you no longer have insurance due to job loss, and would like more information on Quest coverage, please contact the State’s Med-Quest Division - https://medquest.hawaii.gov/ for more information.

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